Hello, I'm Ram, a full-stack software developer with years of practice and experience. I enjoy creating attractive web pages and sites, focusing on frontend web development using HTML, JavaScript, ReactJS, Bootstrap, Tailwind and many more.
About me

I'm Ram, and I thrive on creativity.

        Thank you for stopping by to visit my portfolio. I am excited to transition my career from business to a full-stack web development, I pursued my passion for programming by enrolling in Penn LPS and completing a Full Stack Web Development at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, in 2020, achieving a Grade "A". Additionally, I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics awarded in 2002, and a Master's Degree from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. I love the feeling of solving problems and figuring out a solution. My core stack includes React, Next.js, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Express and I am also familiar with TypeScript. I am always eager to learn new technologies.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing outdoor games, watching movies, and spending time with my kids. I also enjoy learning new things.

My Technical skills
My Projects

my recent top 4 live projects with source code.


E-Commerce Mart

A mobile responsive public web application for shopping product online, user can Signup and login to place order and pay online using card.

  • JavaScript
  • bootstrap
  • Axios
  • MomentJs
  • API
  • bcrypt
  • React
  • braintree
  • MongoDb
  • Express

Educational Hub

This is a Frontend mobile responsive application. It is all about an educational hub using HTML and CSS functionality. Added Google map functionality in contact page.

  • HTML
  • CSS

Our Blog

This is a Mobile Responsive Full Stuck Blog Application. Users can add their posts and can read the posts. This app provides both Admin and User functionalities. The Admin has full access to control the users account, posts and comments of all users.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • MongoDB
  • ExpressJs
  • Tailwind
  • firebase
  • Bcrypt
  • Redux
  • Nodejs

Book Store

A mobile responsive public Web app for all users to read free books. Only authorised user has access to all books

  • JavaScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • API
My Experience
Contact me
Need to reach out? Feel free to contact me.

Name: Ram Sah

Pennsylvania- 19380, USA